You know what I despise? False Advertising
You May Think Being A Sheep Is A Good Idea, Here’s Why You Might Be Wrong
Ever wonder what exactly a landing page is? See everyone talking about Carrd like its the most obvious thing in the world? Don't worry I've been there.
Anyone Doing outreach: Land 1-5 clients and make $3000/pm
The New World Ideology is designed to change your perception of reality in order to reestablish what it is to be human, and how you should be living
Let's Discuss Behavior Patterns That Change Because Of Trauma
Kindness is a selfish action, in this book I discuss what TRUE kindness is, how to achieve is, whether it CAN be achieved, and how far I am from achieving it on my journey to enlightenment.
I've been studying psychology informally for 16 years, and on this journey I've come to many conclusions, understandings and principles